Final press release available in English and German

02 April 2024 – March 31st was officially the last day of the DynaMORE project, a fact that fills consortium members with a bit of sadness and lots of joy about everything that has been accomplished. Even more so because the project resulted in many scientific publications, future collaborations, and two “mobile health” apps to improve the mental health of young adults in everyday life. DynaMORE’s success and tangible results are summarised in the final press release (EN), see also The German (DE) version is also accessible on “Portal der Wirtschaft“. Have a peek!

Conclusion of DynaMORE in Warsaw

11 March 2024 – The final General Assembly (GA) of DynaMORE in Warsaw, Poland, from 6-8 March 2024 was a great success – with over 20 delegates joining to discuss the scientific progress and to celebrate the consortium’s achievements in the field of stress resilience, mobile health, and “just in time” interventions via smartphone apps and smartwatches to remain mentally stable and healthy in the face of adversity and everyday stressors. We are sad to see this fabulously collaborative project end but are committed to continuing our impactful work within the resilience research community in the future! Read our Public Summary of the project’s final research period (October 2023 – March 2024).

Raffael Kalisch in YouTube documentary about the secrets of inner strength

20 January 2024In this DW documentary about “Mental health and resilience – the secrets of inner strength”, DynaMORE coordinator Prof. Raffael Kalisch and other resilience researchers get to the bottom of current questions about stress and resilience. The video previously aired on ARTE in German and French, and is now available in English as well.

Publication alert!

17 October 2023Lots of work went into this new DynaMORE article by Sophie Bögemann et al. (2023)! The longitudinal study about the association between psychological resilience factors (RFs) with stressor reactivity (SR) during the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe confirmed the importance of positive appraisal (PA) in resilience and identified other RFs that prospectively predict stress resilience. Read in to find out more!

Great impressions from the annual Symposium on Resilience Research

29 September 2023 – The 9th International Symposium on Resilience Research (#resilience2023) has left us all with memorable impressions, lots of new scientific ideas, and the joy of sunshine in Germany in late September! The symposium took place from 27-29 September 2023 in Mainz and covered the latest developments and breakthroughs within the field of stress resilience. Highlights were, again, outstanding talks and speakers, an interesting poster session, and our very own DynaMORE member Sophie Bögemann winning a poster award. So well deserved!